Ep.02/19 :: “No!” to More Factory Farms—Talking with Adam Mason of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement


Adam of ICCI

Simpler OneEarth Living Podcast

A co-production of Simple Living Works! and The Common Good Podcast (Jubilee OneEarth Economics)


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Today we feature a conversation with Adam Mason about a strategic campaign in Iowa led by Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (ICCI). They want a moratorium on any new and expanded hog farms where thousands of hogs are confined in very small pens. AND, if you love eating a meal with some tasty pulled pork or bacon, or frequently pick up some quick food at fast food chains, you’ll want that campaign to succeed. Be sure to listen to this podcast. This podcast links those food choices to the factory farms which highlight deep ecological and economic problems with the global food supply system, a complex system that starts on farms and finds its way to our plates.

I (Lee) grew up on an Iowa farm and I remember the first time I saw a cattle lot that went on and on as we drove by it. The manure was pooled at one end. We rolled up the car windows to keep out the smell. But after that boyhood experience, it would be years later before I understood how farms were increasingly being run like industrial businesses, and the more that agriculture became agribusiness, the more the farm animals took a hit. Increasingly, beef, dairy, pigs, and chickens were moved off open pastures and free ranges. Instead, they were confined to feedlots and small pens on supersized factory farms, meaning that just as a factory puts together its product piece by piece, step by step, so the animals were fed and treated in a machine-like, computerized process that produces a marketable product in a set number of days.

As you listen to this podcast think about how you participate in this food supply system that is ruining the health of both planet and people. What it does to the animals is acutely unnatural and abusive. AND consider how what you eat gives you leverage to bring positive change.

We may just be on the cusp of a major revolution in how food is grown, both plants and animals, and what people eat. A commission called EAT-Lancet Commission came out this January with the “planetary health diet.” It’s called that because it’s a diet that simultaneously describes for us food that is healthy for the planet to grow and for people to eat. This commission says that a global agricultural revolution is as necessary as the reduction of fossil fuel use in our work to reduce Earth’s fever and engage all causes of climate change. The Commission also said: “Food is the single strongest lever to optimize human health and environmental sustainability on Earth.” This podcast helps us use that lever better.

The factory farms of Iowa destroy environments all the way from the soils and waterways of the state to the Gulf of Mexico. Because of its location between the two great rivers, the Missouri and the Mississippi, Iowa is the second greatest polluter of the Gulf. Agricultural chemicals and manure from factory farms run off the land into waterways, end up in one of the two big rivers, and eventually in the Gulf of Mexico where they create an enormous dead zone in the Gulf. No marine life can live in those zones.

For clean air and water, Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement is teaming up with the Sierra Club, as well as county and city governments. This matters to anyone who eats pork or chicken or cares about the Earth. Adam Mason serves as the State Policy Organizing Director for ICCI.

Earlier Episodes

01/19 episode features Jimmy Marcelin, the playmaker at Safe Harbors, San Diego, where 100 to 300 immigrants arrive daily after crossing the busiest border crossing in the world–Tijuana to San Diego.

They’ve crossed into the U.S. through the Tijuana-San Diego crossing, just 17 miles south of Safe Harbor’s facilities in the Christ United Methodist Ministry Center where Jubilee OneEarth Economics also has an office.

Safe Harbors is the organization which does this amazing work of receiving immigrants who arrive with a host of unmet needs—so many needs everyday that you may well be able to help. Check out their website https://www.safeharbors.net/.

Safe Harbors is part of the multicultural, multilingual ministry center. The immigrants who arrive are sometimes delivered by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), part of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security. ICE is much in the news for the horrors that happen to so many people in the name of enforcement of border security. These horrors are increasingly being stepped into by organizations determined to humanize the treatment of migrants. ICE also processes some people who have papers or seek asylum. Some of these people, ICE delivers to Safe Harbors.

We invite you to travel with OneEarth Jubilee to the Jubilee Circles in Mexico. Rachel Miller-Haughton will be leading the next Delegation and we want you to be part of it. Going to see is the best way to understand ways that resistance to unsustainable MultiEarth living is being practiced by people in the Mexican states of Puebla and Chiapas. It’s inspiring to see the ways OneEarth living is being shaped by people in the Jubilee Circles and the many low-income and Indigenous peoples with whom they work. Let us know of your interest. You’re sure to have questions. We’ll give you the best answers we can so that you can make a decision that’s right for you. But for our part? We encourage you to come with us and see for yourself. You’ll go to fascinating places tourists never go … and a few they do. Let us hear from you.

12/1/18–Fair Trade in Schools and Congregations

This episode features Lee’s conversation with Anne Pacheco and Diane Hartley on how they brought the Fair Trade campaigns to their school and congregation.

For most of us the news about free trade agreements, tariffs and trade wars feel quite beyond our control. But in this episode we talk about a different paradigm of trade, and it’s the kind of trade over which we have lots of control. We’re talking about the trade structures known as FAIR TRADE. And just how do we exercise our power regarding trade that is fair? In elementary schools, high schools, colleges and congregations.

11/1/18The Power of Small, Jubilee Circles to Bring Change in Mexico

Lee’s conversation with Angelica Juarez de Swanson and Lindsey Mercer Robledo from the September gathering of three Jubilee Circles in San Cristobal de las Cases in Chiapas, Mexico.

See Circle Report in Jubileo Newsletter here.

Common Good Feature: Here’s a list of worthwhile alternative non-commercial media. And even more. ->

WHOSE Birthday?

Our Non-Consumer Christmas Campaign presented episodes mid-month during the last four months of 2018.

This four-episode series drawn from Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? #19 is Simple Living Works’ annual Advent/Christmas/Epiphany resource for individuals, families and congregations.

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Themes/Seasons: Alternatives’ Collections IndexAdvent/Christmas/Epiphany  // Lent/HolyWeek/Easter — Who’s Risen from the Dead, Anyway?

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The Simpler Living Daily NUDGE

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In addition to this podcast and its show notes, we post a weekly SLW! blog. We hope you’ll read and subscribe. The BLOG is the companion to our twice-a-month podcast. The content is different, though the subject is the same. Click on blog at the top of the show notes of any episode. Blog INDEX

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