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Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? Index (all issues)
Included is most of the text from each issue of Whose Birthday? Some materials were copyright restricted.Material
- in English
- AUDIO (#16-20 only)
- en Español
General/All Issues
Whose Birthday? How-To
- What Happened to Christmas?
- Why a Simpler Christmas?
- Weekly Family Time: How to Use These Reflections & Activities
- Let Us Have a Truly Christ-like Christmas
- Top 10 Uses of "Whose Birthday?"
- More Exciting, Helpful Ways to Use "Whose Birthday?"
- Going Beyond "Whose Birthday?"
- Alternative Giving
- "Whose Birthday?" Promo Kit
- A Birthday Gift for Jesus: Alternative Giving
- The Christmas Story
- What Shall We Tell the Folks?
- Any-Year Daily Calendars
- (general) e-Treasures for Advent - A Web-based Calendar for Advent and Christmas
- (general) "Birthday Gift for Jesus" Giving Calendar
- Resources
- Whose Birthday? How-To (spare)
Reflections and Activities
Reflections and Activities
Reflections and Activities
Reflections and Activities
Reflections and Activities
Reflections and Activities
Inspiring Reflections
- Homemade Christmas Gifts by Kent Ira Groff
- What Would Jesus Do? Ask Him! by Michael Mortvedt
- The Most Spiritual Christmas by Cheryl Duke
- Transforming Santa by Barbara Fullerton
- The Christmas of the Llama by Victoria Fullerton
- RULES for Buying by Lynn A Miller
- Sneaky Gifts by Rachelle Ankney
- Be (UN)Afraid, Be Very (UN)Afraid! by Bob Sitze
Fun Activities
- Savor the Coffee
- Christmas Greetings to Inmates by Vicki McCuistion
- Family Stories Make a Family Calendar by Waverly Fitzgerald
- Christmas Activity Chain by Barbara Howard
- Christmas Bowling by Barbara Howard
- Nothing New for Christmas from Meg Cox
- Family Giving Project by Melvin and Lois Leidig
- Water Ritual by Meg Cox
- The Gift of Your Family's Story by Meg Cox
- New Strategy for Charitable Gifts by Meg Cox
- The Best Gift I Didn't Get by Sandi Baete
- Parties with a Purpose by Sandi Baete
- Creating a Creche with Children by Sandy Olson
- Epiphany
Inspiring Reflections
- This Season, Practice Christian Hospitality by Marilyn Sharpe
- The Promise of Advent: Gospel Nonviolence by Paul Amrhein
- Getting Beyond Trading by John Marty
- Giving BIG - A Modern Day Widow's Mite by Peter Marty
- Away in a Stank Manger by Shane Claiborne
- Connecting at Christmas by Becky Garrison
- Christmas for Real by Debra Dean Murphy
- Do Not Conform, But Be Transformed by Ann Basye
- Recovering Jesus Tony Campolo
Fun Activities
- Savoring Christmas Letters
- The Joy of Reading Aloud
- St. Nick: The Real Santa Claus
- Gift of Our Gifts
- Extending the Joy
- Twelve Days of Christmas Activity Envelopes
- Epiphany Celebration
- Simple Candle-Lighting Ritual / Christmas Math
- Breaking the Rules
- Christmas Poems
About Alternatives
- Twelve Days of Christmas Activity Envelopes
- More from Anne Basye's Journal
- St. Nicholas and the Tax Collectors
- Who Is Christmas for, Anyway
- Can Christmas Cost Too Much?
- O Advent Morn / O Troubled Town of Washington / Holy Evening
- A Simple Life
- Making the Holidays Your Own
- A Christmas Prayer Service
- The Spirit of St. Nicholas by W. David Holden
- My Hand-Make Advent Wreath by Amy Frykholm
- I Am a Recovering Christmas Hater by Jessica Stevens
- Strangers Invited in for Christmas by Millard Fuller
- A Christmas Cow by Walter Wink
- Putting Christ in Christmas by John Hagberg
- Christmas Dinner by Jamie Norwich-McLernan
- "Posada sin Fronteras" (Shelter without Borders) by Ched Myers and Matthew Colwell
- Advent Haiku
- Just Daily Do the Work I Give You
- How It Happened -- A vision: what simple living looks like
- Christmas Resistance: Toys for the World (tune: Joy to the World)
- Enough at Christmas?
- Christmas Exterior Decorating Award
- Looking for Christmas: a story from Kentucky
- Animal Barn: an Advent pageant
- Alternative Giving
- Making the Holidays Meaningful for Your Children by Betsy Taylor
- REFLECTIONS by Katerina Katsarka Whitley, Susan Vogt, Art Simon, Daniel Berrigan, William Sloane Coffin, Gretchen Denton and Susan Briehl
- Daily Calendar/Journal: Igniting Simplicity Within Our Hearts
- Christmas BINGO
- The Gift of Ritual
- A Different Kind of Wish List
- Christmas Memories
- Celebrating Epiphany
- Various
- Credits & Copying
- Send a Message! Labels
- Resources
- Bonus materials
- The Christmas Story
- Alternative Giving
- Reflections by Esther Armstrong and Dale Stitt
- REAL Life by Esther Armstrong
- The Search for Meaning: Beyond a Commercialized World by Christine Sine
- Advent Starter
- Daily Calendar: Gentle, Faithful Steps Toward a Simpler Christmas
- Carols with Justice
- The Day of the Lord (song) -- not included/copyright restricted.
- America's Plastic Jesus
- Ten Free, Fun Things to Do at Christmas Time
- Teaching Generosity to Kids
- Bonus materials
- Statistics for the Cover
- Faces of the Children
- Biblical Reflections by Lou Lotz
- Gift Giving Traditions
- Credits & Copying
- Worshipful Rituals
- Christmas Hai Ku
- The Pedigree (song) not included/copyright restricted
- Ready for Christmas
- Rituals of Light
- Make Your Own Candles
- Daily Calendars
- Family Fun
- Bonus materials
- Biblical Reflections by Jim & Kathy McGinnis
- A Simple Christmas
- The Joy of Responsible Gift-Giving
- A Special Holiday Letter
- Credits & Copying
- Worshipful Ceremonies
- Daily Calendar: A Simple Christmas
- What Do Kids Really Want?
- Christmas Quiz
- WHOSE Birthday "Contest"
- Bonus Materials
- Reflections Through Advent to Epiphany by Bill McKibben
- Bonus Materials
- The Night Before Christmas: An African Christmas Story
- Credits & Copying
- Worshipful Ceremonies
- Spirit of Simplicity Calendar
- Family Traditions
- WHOSE Birthday "Contest"
- Other Items
- Reflections Through Advent to Epiphany by Miriam Therese Winter
- We Chose Something Different! You too can make changes for the better.
- These Letters Truly Reflect the Season
- Bonus Materials
- Poems
- No Use Saying | A Gift for Grandpa
- Sustainable Change Calendar of Hope
- Carols with Justice
- Remembering the Holy Innocents
- Alternative Giving: A Birthday Gift for Jesus
- Christmas Presence
- The Heart of a Family
- More CHRISTmas - Less Consuming: Advent/Christmas Calendar
- A Christmas Story
- A Priceless Gift List
- REFLECTIONS Through Advent to Epiphany by Ron Sider
- A Simpler Season Advent/Christmas Calendar
- Activities: The Christmas Game
- REFLECTIONS Through Advent to Epiphany by Megan McKenna
- The Rewards of Changing Gift-Giving Patterns.
- Worshipful Ceremonies
- Ten Tips for a Simpler, More Meaningful Christmas
- God Is Coming! Advent/Christmas Calendar
- The Golden Rule Gone Wrong
- Almost PerfecT: Story
- Activities: The Christmas Game
- REFLECTIONS Through Advent to Epiphany by Connie & Milo Thornberry
- Worshipful Ceremonies/Services
- New Years Alternatives: An Advent/Christmas Calendar
- Gifts of Ourselves
- Appropriate Christmas Gifts and Questionnaire
- Christmas in SMALLTOWN
- REFLECTIONS Through Advent to Epiphany by Tom Sine
- Worshipful Ceremonies/Services
- Introduction
- While Planning Gift Giving (Ashley Nedeau-Owen)
- Trimming the Christmas Tree (Rick Hoffarth)
- Sharing Christmas Memories (Heidi Roy)
- Before Travel (Ashley Nedeau-Owen)
- Closing the Season (Kathleen Connolly)
- Activities The Jesse Tree
- Take Joy! (Fra Giovanni)
- Whose Birthday: An introduction (David Allen Sorensen)
- The Christmas Story - Scripture readings from Luke and Matthew
- KEEPING CHRISTMAS: Ideas for celebrating a meaningful holiday (Barbara DeGrote-Sorensen)
- WHAT ABOUT GIFTS? A family guide to giving and receiving (Michael Harning)
- A Birthday Gift for Jesus: Alternative Giving
- WHICH WAY TO BETHLEHEM? A Calendar for Advent and the Christmas Season
- O COME YE TO BETHLEHEM: Weekly Reflections and services from Advent to Epiphany by Linda-Marie Delloff and Karl D. Lehman
- Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? - An Introduction
- The Christmas Story Scripture readings from Luke and Matthew
- What Makes a Perfect Christmas? A guide to setting priorities during the holidays
- "What Can I Give. . . Give My Heart" Guidelines for Alternative Giving
- A Birthday Gift for Jesus: Alternative Giving
- "Those little envelopes seemed small." (Kathie Klein)
- Traveling to Bethlehem - A Calendar for Advent and the Christmas Season
- Let Us Go to Bethlehem - Weekly Reflections, Services and Activities from Advent to Epiphany by Michael Crosby, Mary Foulke and Michelle McKinnon Buckles
- More Activities: a word game
- Introduction & How You Can Use This Resource
- Commitment to Resist the Consumer Christmas
- Guidelines for Alternative Giving
- Welcoming the Prince of Peace: An Advent Calendar
- O Come, O Come, Emmanuel:
Weekly Reflections, Services and Activities
by Justo González, Catherine González and Jackie Smith - Manger Scenes and Mistletoe: What Makes a Tradition?
- A Stable in Bethlehem: poem
- Whose Birthday Is It, Anyway? Searching for the Christ Child in Christmas Chaos
- WAITING FOR THE LIGHT: A Calendar for Advent and the Christmas Season
Meditations by Marjorie J. Thompson
Services by Larry J. Peacock
Activities by Kathleen Connolly - The Joy of Alternative Giving by Mark L. Yackel-Juleen
- I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas by Miriam Youngquist-Thurow
- Introduction: WHAT YOU CAN DO
- "Make Ready the Way
of the Lord..." Weekly Reflections, Services and Activities
Reflections by Tom Hall
Services and Activities by Julie Peeples and Paul Davis - EXTRAVAGANCE: poem (Mark Lassman-Eul)
- What Gifts Shall We Bring? -- Calendar of Alternative Gift-Giving Ideas
- In The Spirit of Saint Nicholas (by Mike and Kathe Sherer)
- Peace On Earth: Saying "No" To War Toys
- Introduction
- Advent: A Call for Change -- Biblical Reflections on Advent/Christmas by George S. Johnson
- Household Services
- Household Activities
- Guidelines for Alternative Giving
- What Shall We Tell the Folks?
- A Birthday Gift for Jesus: Alternative Giving
- The Christ Child Who Was Too Poor
- Christmas Without Santa
- War Toys for the Prince of Peace?
- Jason's Birthday
- Introduction & What You Can Do
- REFLECTIONS on the Gospel Texts by Sr. Joan Chittister, O.S.B.
- Household Services and Activities
- Guidelines for Alternative Giving
- The Song of St. Nicholas
- Personal Experiences
- What Shall We Tell the Folks?
- What Shall We Do About Santa? Not for Parents Only
- Introduction: What You Can Do
- What Shall We Tell the Folks?
- GETTING READY FOR GOD: Biblical Reflections by Walter Brueggemann
- Household Services & Activities
- Guidelines for Alternative Giving
- A Birthday Gift for Jesus: Alternative Giving
- Good-bye Santa! Hello, Saint Nick! The Song of St. Nicholas
- Toys for Children: Giving Fish or Scorpions
¿Y al fin de quién es el cumpleaños? por años
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- Reflecciones por Esther Armstrong y Dale Stitt
- calendario para el Adviento
- de Alternativas
- Recursos
- 2003
- 2002
- Reflexiones por Jim y Kathy McGinnis
- calendario para el Adviento
- ¿Qué Quieren Realmente los Niños?
- 2001
- Reflexiones por Bill McKibben
- calendario para el Adviento
- cupón
- 2000
- Reflexiones por Miriam Therese Winter
- calendario para el Adviento
- 1999
- Reflexiones por Ron Sider
- calendario para el Adviento
- 1998
- Reflexiones por Megan McKenna
- calendario para el Adviento
- 1997
- Reflexiones por Connie y Milo Thornberry
- calendario para el Adviento

Issue/publication dates
x=2011 - Not Published
Page updated 9/23/21
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MISSION: Equipping people of faith to challenge consumerism, live justly and celebrate responsibly // An all volunteer educational organization.